Please BEAR with us!

First and foremost, we want to thank you for coming to our site. We can’t believe the support we have gained in such a short time.  

We created this site knowing there wasn’t a resource like this, but what comes with that is a major undertaking.  I can tell how we are trying to make this possible, tell you the multiple jobs we work to make extra money for the site, or that we had to stop vanlife temporarily to live in my sister’s basement to really focus and make this all possible.

In reality, this site has become such a passion project and that it’s to the point nothing is going to stop us from finishing. We don’t want to be called entrepreneurs, creators or business owners, but for all intensive purposes that is what we are.

To share a little behind the scenes and what is going on-  our love of exploring and living in vehicles is what got us here. We are not tech people and have never built a website before.  Could you guess what you are seeing is the 3rd generation of this site in one year? We never knew how difficult the technical side of building a platform would be.

We started on Wix which quickly was a dead end.  We searched high and low for 7 months until finding someone that is knowledgeable, skilled, believes in what we are doing and has started leading down the right technical path. We are having meetings with companies to add them to the site.  We scour the internet building databases of National Forest, BLM camping and Youtube videos. We also had to navigate registering as a business and trying to be as professional as possible.  To say we are wearing many hats does not sum it up.

With some of the site, there is some left to be desired and we know that.  With all of what is going on we are striving to make this as great as possible.  One tough part is the magazine.  Would you believe we have 31 blog ideas started and not one finished?  Never being a writer and half of us never finishing high school, how do we become writers? How does one go about learning to curate a nomad magazine? The magazine is one of our most prized possessions but mostly empty and we know that.

What we ask is a couple of things. 

  1. Please please be patient with us as we think, create and roll out different sections of the website.
  2. Please submit any stories of your travels or an idea for a post that you think people would find informative.

Along with other parts of the site we ask you to submit any information that could be useful to a fellow community member.

  1. Any nomad/vanlife campgrounds
  2. Self build location
  3. Breakdown location
  4. Mechanics
  5. Health and wellness
  6. Camping locations
  7. Site ideas and recommendations

This site would not have been possible to this point without you.  Yes, we created the platform, but you- the community, will make it what it needs to be.

We can’t wait to start chatting with all of you in the social community area and to one day meet you on the road.


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