A Fireweed’s Warning

My favorite flowers were always lilacs before I learned of the fireweed when in Alaska. I was told not to be fooled by their beauty because it’s bloom only meant winter was on the way

But presence and permanence could never coexist anyway

As comfortably convincing the soft touch of the flower petals are, they won’t make it to winter 

The glaciers only feed the waterfalls so long before they stop crying for the season- but missing out on them in spite of their eventual absence is never a rhyme for a reason 

I made the choice to convert to van life because money can’t be put on tomorrow 

I chose right now to bask in any slight of beauty seen

To take too many photos

Burn every scenery into my brain just in case I never end up here again

Hit the shutter with such a force of intent that it captures at least a small fraction of the solitude the universe has allowed me to witness

We all know photos wont ever do the land any justice but let’s let our travels make them present a solid case

So much that when the ones we send them to truly feel us wishing they were here 

Unfortunately, not everything announces it’s departure with such a gentle foreshadow like the fireweed does

A goodbye that doesn’t need a harsh tongue to make sure you understand what’s to come 

I wanted to shift my mind set from fearing the changes to embracing them

So I have given up on explaining “why” to the ones who disagree 

It’s not for them to understand anyway 

No need to delve into what’s to become of me

It’s for me to just be

& I wish everyone that’s chosen this lifestyle the kind of goodbyes that make you genuinely thankful you have arrived


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